Aliso Viejo Communities

Getting to know Aliso Viejo

Aliso Viejo is a featured community where you can access homes currently for sale and good local information. If you have any questions regarding Aliso Viejo be sure to contact me or what else is happening in the real estate market.

City of Aliso Viejo Aliso Viejo is a lively community with award-winning schools, a convenient location, great shopping, dining and entertainment, employment centers, beautiful parks and an extensive recreational areas offered by the Aliso Viejo Community Association (AVCA).

Aliso Viejo is a master-planned community designed to make it possible to live, work, shop and play in the same community. The first residential units were offered in March of 1982 and the first residents arrived in November of the same year. With its expanding housing, educational, work and recreational options Aliso Viejo continues to offer more reasons for businesses and families to choose Aliso Viejo as their hometown.

Aliso Viejo Community Association The Aliso Viejo Community Association, AVCA, is comprised of residential and business properties within the City of Aliso Viejo. The association owns and manages 21 parks and greenbelts, and sponsors a wide range of community events from the 4th of July Celebration, Summer Concert Series, and numerous other community events. The Aliso Viejo Community Association is a non-profit organization with an annual budget in excess of $7 million. The association also provides architectural reviews, and maintains landscaped slopes and parkways throughout Aliso Viejo.

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